Prepping your Snowmobile for Winter

Prepping your Snowmobile for Winter Articles from Golden Spike Powersports

The winter riding season is approaching, and it’s time to pull the cover off your snowmobiles and get them in shape for the trail! Of course, you don’t have to do hardly anything because you properly serviced and stored your snowmobile last season, right? Well, if you cut some corners before storage, Golden Spike Powersports is here to help with this handy guide to walk you through the critical points you need to pay attention to before you take your sled out for some fun in the snow. Our dealership is located near Salt Lake City, Utah, and Logan, Ogden, and Layton!

Thorough Visual Inspection

Get your snowmobile in a well lighted area and take a very slow walk around, inspecting every piece of your vehicle. Make sure none of your components are loose from the last riding season. Pay attention to belts, which can wear out during storage. Get a grease gun and use your owner's manual to lubricate all points mentioned.


If you didn’t drain or stabilize your fuel tank before you stored you snowmobile, you’ll definitely need to drain the tank now, you’ll need fresh gas regardless. Brake fluid should be checked and topped off if necessary, and you’ll want to double check your coolant as well.

The Engine

Your carburetor is the number one culprit for post storage shutdowns. A dirty carburetor will seize up your whole engine, and if you didn’t store your snowmobile properly this component will almost definitely need to be cleaned, so pull out your tools and take care of it. Give the other moving parts of your snowmobile an inspection as well, including throttle, belts, and fan. A crack over the storage season can mean disaster when you’re on the trail, so get your flashlight out and look closely for damage or wear.


The Skis of your snowmobile deserve a little attention, so look for signs of deterioration. Steel skis can develop pits and holes over the course of several years, and plastic skis suffer damage in the form of scars and cuts. If your skis are in really bad shape they may need to be replaced. If you find the runners on your skis are bent or crooked, you may need to bring your snowmobile in for a service appointment.


After your once over, swapping out the fluids and banging out the dents, you should give your snowmobile a thorough cleaning. Any dirt, salt, or crud that has accumulated from the last season should be wiped away. Keeping your snowmobile clean is key to preventing deterioration, so don’t skip this step.

Whether you’re testing your fluids, checking levels, running the engine while it’s in storage, or checking your treads for signs of of wear and tear, remember not to cut corners and take care of your machine. Taking a few minutes now means having a whole lot more fun once winter rolls back around, and Golden Spike Powersports wants you and your family to have the most fun possible while you’re tearing up the powder. Visit us today for more tips and help with preparing for the riding season, our dealership is located near Pocatello and Twin Falls, Idaho!